What does it mean to be green?
"#Green" is more than just a color. It also means taking special steps
to protect the environment — the water, the land, and the air we breathe. Why
green? Plants are green, and without them the #Earth wouldn't be such a lovely
home for us human beings.
Every day, people make choices that affect
the amount of trash and pollution that gets produced in our world. What can you
do? A whole lot, actually. Here's a four-step guide to being green:
Reduce the amount of stuff you use and throw away.
Reuse stuff when you can.
Recycle cans, bottles, paper, books, and even toys.
Enjoy the Earth — walk in the woods, plant a tree, and eat some of the delicious food
it produces.
When children spend more time outdoors – in the fresh,
spring air – why not organize some fun, eco-friendly projects for them to do in
the garden?
When children spend time #gardening, it helps
their #communication skills, builds strong #relationships. Plus, from an early
age, it teaches them the importance of #eco-systems and preserving and
protecting the #environment.
In #intelligentsia we took kids to green house
and taught them basic concept of gardening. They learnt about seed, root, stem,
branches, fruits, flowers and many more. Now they know, we are getting foods
from plants and similarly plants also need food to grow, i.e. soil, water and
sun. Click Here to Read More
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